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Welcome to the Hillcrest Alberta Mine Disaster Wiki - this is currently a project in progress, but we hope to include as much information as we can about the events leading up to the largest mine disaster in Canada on June 19, 1914 - and any information about the 189 men that lost their lives that day.

List of miners:

* Ackers, Peter * Adlam, Herbert * Albenese, Dominic * Albenese, Nicholas * Anderson, Robert * Andreaschuk, Jacob
* Androski, George * Armstrong, James * Bainbridge, Sidney H. * Banlant, Andrew * Banyar, Steve * Barber, James
* Bardsley, Thomas * Bennett, Fred C. * Bingham, Fred * Bodio, Virgilio * Bolinski, John * Bostock, Frank Moult
* Botter, Etalleredo * Bowie, John Sellar * Bozzer, Pietro * Bradshaw, James * Brown, John * Brown, Thomas William
* Brown, William * Buckman, Albert * Caielli, Antonio * Camarda, Joseph * Cantalini, Peter * Cantalini, Sam
* Carr, Henry * Cassegrande, Carlo * Catonio, Antonio * Catterino, Basso * Celli, Vito * Chabillon, Emil
* Chabillon, Leonce * Charles, Charles Sydney * Charlton, Samuel * Ciccone, Eugenio * Cimetta, Antonio * Clarke, John Charles
* Clarke, Leonard * Coan, John Charles * Corkill, Thomas * Coulter, Fred C. * Coulter, Robert * Court, Thompson
* Cullinan, Daniel * Davison, John * Daye, Prosper * Demchuk, George * Demchuk, Nicholas * Dickenson, Matthew
* Dugdale, Andrew * Dugdale, Robert * Elick, Charles * Emery, David * Eveloir, Everard * Ewing, James
* Fedoruk, Peter * Fines, William * Flougere, August * Fogale, John G. * Fortunato, Luigi * Fortunato, Vincenzo
* Foster, John * Fox, William * Francz, Gustaf * Frech, Frank M. * Gallimore, William * Gardina, Emil Ermaele
* Gasperion, Antonio * Gianoli, Carlo * Gramacci, Antonio * Gray, James F. * Guido, Ylio * Hansford, Ralph
* Harris, David John * Herber, John * Huesdens, Alphonse * Hicken, George * Hillman, James William * Hnacnuk, Philip
* Hood, John * Hunter, Hugh * Iluk, Wasyl * Ironmonger, Charles * Ironmonger, Samuel * Janego, Mike
* Johnson, Carl * Johnson, Fred * Johnson, William * Kane, Patrick * Kinock, Peter * Kipryanchuk, Mike
* Kohar, Petro * Kosmik, Chris * Kostyniuk, Dan * Kurigatz, Fred * Kuzenko, Nick * Kwasnico, Fred
* Kwasnico, Wasyl * Labonne, Frank * Legarde, Antoine * Malanchuk, Steve * Marchetto, Ulderico * Marcolli, Guiseppi
* McIssac, Rod * McKay, Angus H. * MicKinnon, John B. * McKinnon, Steve * McNeil, Pius * McQuarrie, John A.
* Megeney, Nicholas * Meiklejohn, Adam * Melok, John * Miller, William * Miller, William, G. * Montelli, Dominic
* Moore, William * Moorehouse, Frederick * Morley, William * Morrison, Alexander * Morron, Nick * Mudryk, John
* Muir, Robert * Murray, David, Sr. * Murray, David Cannon * Murray, Robert * Murray, William * Myrovich, Steve
* Neath, William * Oakley, Joseph * Padgett, Arthur * Pagnan, Edward * Parnisari, Carlo * Parnisari, Guiseppi
* Payet, Leon * Pearson, John * Penn, James * Penn, Robert W * Petrie, Alexander * Petrie, James
* Petrie, Robert * Porteous, Alexander * Porteous, James * Pounder, George * Quigley, James S. * Quigley, Thomas
* Raitko, Steve * Rawlyk, Bernard * Rawlyk, Fred * Rees, Albert * Robertson, George * Rochester, Joseph Harrison
* Rochester, William Nixon * Rossanese, Eugenio * Rossi, Luigi * Salva, Alfred * Sands, John * Sandul, John
* Sandulak, Daniel * Schroeder, Charles * Skurhan, Mike * Smith, Robert * Smith, Thomas * Somotink, Peter
* Southwell, Albert * Stretton, Edward * Tamborini, Alberti * Tamborini, Baldo * Taylor, Thomas * Thaczuk, John
* Thomas, Deo * Trump, William * Turner, Thomas * Turner, William * Tyron, Mike * Vendrasco, Fred
* Vohradski, Joseph * Vohradski, Vince * Walker, David J. * Wallace, Rod * Wilson, Thomas L. * Zahara, John
* Zamis, Luis * Zapisocki, Wasyl * Zaska, Michael